S$2,402.30 raised

From 37 Donors


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Akash Mohapatra donated S$200
1 month ago
Pardeep Kumar donated S$50
3 months ago
Sonia Mah donated S$20
3 months ago

S$2,402.30 raised

From 37 Donors

There is something poetic about a display of physical endurance to champion mental resilience. I love cycling and equate it to my happy place. I hope to generate discourse and awareness on mental health through this event.

– Anirudh

About Mental Health Film Festival Singapore

MHFFS is a registered charity that conducts outreach events to raise awareness for people in Singapore to provide an inclusive and safe platform for stories about mental health. Through these programmes we hope to encourage early help- seeking. We have run 3 Mental Health Film Festivals, an inaugural roadshow …

No updates on this campaign yet
Akash Mohapatra donated S$200
Hearty Congratulations Ani on a great campaign with your heart & soul and your flesh&blood.
1 month ago
Pardeep Kumar donated S$50
Mental Health is a crucial journey, thanks for your efforts Anirudh, to create the awareness ... Enjoy the journey ✨️
3 months ago
Sonia Mah donated S$20
All the best - very proud of you.. Keep it up.
3 months ago

100% of your donation goes to Movement For Mental Health Conversations (Anirudh)
Give hope now!

Donate to Movement For Mental Health Conversations (Anirudh)


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Akash Mohapatra donated S$200
1 month ago
Pardeep Kumar donated S$50
3 months ago
Sonia Mah donated S$20
3 months ago