We’ve seen Jhona through her first stage of stabilising spinal surgery. Radiotherapy for her breast cancer and spine is scheduled to start on 5 July 2024. In consultation with her doctors, it is clear that Jhona will require lifelong chemotherapy as she battles the significant spread of cancer throughout her body. The Kims have flown Rona, Jhona’s sister, in from the Philippines to support her during this process.
To stretch funds …
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Forging Ahead for Jhona
We’ve seen Jhona through her first stage of stabilising spinal surgery. Radiotherapy for her breast cancer and spine is scheduled to start on 5 July 2024. In consultation with her doctors, it is clear that Jhona will require lifelong chemotherapy as she battles the significant spread of cancer throughout her body. The Kims have flown Rona, Jhona’s sister, in from the Philippines to support her during this process.
To stretch funds raised to cover treatment costs as long as possible while allowing Jhona to receive care from her family, the Kims and Jhona have made the decision for further treatment to be continued in the Philippines.
We want to appeal to your generosity to raise an additional $27, 615.31:
24 months of wages lost (to cover further chemotherapy costs) – $21,120
Additional Breast Radiotherapy in Singapore – $5,938
Airfare for Rona (Jhona’s sister) – $557.31
Help us support Jhona in her battle with cancer, just as she’s supported so many in her time in Singapore.
A Life-Saving Gift
For Sam’s 50th Birthday, in lieu of all gifts, we would like to request that you extend your generous hearts to a cause that could give Jhona, our friend and domestic helper of 7 years, a second chance at life.
On Thursday, May 16, 2024, she was diagnosed with stage 4 breast cancer. The doctors also confirmed through multiple scans and tests that the cancer had spread to her spine. She needed surgery to prevent paralysis or loss of control of her bowels.
After much discussion and consultation, the doctors have proposed a three-step approach to recovery. First spinal surgery, second radiotherapy for her spine and then further cancer treatment for her breast cancer. The treatments will be pointless if Jhona’s spine deteriorates and she is paralyzed, so the doctor has advised spinal surgery as the top priority.
Love in Action
We want to care for her in a manner that we would want to be cared for if the roles were reversed and we were in her situation without the means to support ourselves.
Jhona has been a part of our family for 7 years and is the most gentle and caring person you would ever meet. She also volunteers with the HOME (Humanitarian Organization for Migrant Economics) organization and has always prioritized helping others before her own needs. She is 39 years old and has 4 children of her own.
Give with Us!
Sam wants to dedicate his 50th birthday celebration to help Jhona’s recovery efforts.
Our goal is to reach $65,355.20 to help cover her spinal surgery, radiotherapy, and chemotherapy treatment.
We appreciate any support you can provide to make sure Jhona will be able to continue to receive treatment by seeing doctors for her follow-up treatments and potentially receive radiotherapy when she recovers from her back surgery.
We thank you for your prayerful consideration.
With much love,
The Kims
Where your donation will go:
Jhona’s condition requires urgent care.
Since her diagnosis less than a month ago, she has already undergone crucial spinal surgery to prevent paralysis. Once she heals from the procedure, Jhona will be going through at least two more phases of treatment, starting with Radiotherapy.
For now, funds will be allocated to the following needs:
Spinal surgery and associated costs (completed) – $59,290.20
Spinal Radiotherapy (commencing 21 June 2024) – $6,065
The campaign target will shift as the full cost of her treatment needs are updated at each phase.
Supporting a life of exemplary love
It was not easy for Jhona to seek employment in Singapore. It meant leaving her 4 children under the care of her husband when her youngest child was only 7 months old. Nonetheless, facing scarce financial resources and the family’s ever-growing needs, Jhona believed this was the best solution for all of them.
It has been nine years since Jhona decided to work in Singapore. After completing her first contract, she has been working for the Kims. Jhona always goes beyond her duty as a housekeeper, extending her dedication to caring for the Kims’ children like her own. Through this time, their relationship has surpassed that of employer and employee, with the Kims seeing Jhona as an extension of their family.
Jhona’s big-heartedness extends beyond the household she serves. For many years now, she has been a dedicated volunteer with HOME (Humanitarian Organization for Migrant Economics). An avid learner, her journey with HOME started with Jhona attending computer and caregiving courses to upgrade herself. This quickly shifted to her supporting others.
Since 2017, Jhona has been a regular volunteer providing administrative and logistics support to HOME on the weekends. She also spends her time sharing with the migrant community about HOME’s services and programmes, providing a nurturing, safe presence for many working women far away from home.
For many years, Jhona has prioritized the needs and care of others over her own. Right now, she needs to care for herself. While the Kims and the community around her buoy her spirits, they can’t do this alone.
Please consider giving generously and spreading this campaign as widely as you can across your networks. Every dollar and every share counts in Jhona’s urgent fight against cancer.
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June 3, 2024
Amazing News!
Dear Friends, AMAZING NEWS! We did it. Together, we reached the goal to support Jhona’s spinal surgery and radiotherapy costs. We are overwhelmed with gratitude and love from the community here in Singapore and abroad, who have shown compassion and generosity by giving to this campaign. We prayed so much for a miracle and your……
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Amazing News!
Jun 3, 2024
Dear Friends,
AMAZING NEWS! We did it. Together, we reached the goal to support Jhona’s spinal surgery and radiotherapy costs. We are overwhelmed with gratitude and love from the community here in Singapore and abroad, who have shown compassion and generosity by giving to this campaign.
We prayed so much for a miracle and your love and generosity has made it possible. A special shout out to our faith communities, school, friends, family, and those of you who are nameless. May true peace and joy go before you always.
Please pray for continued healing for her as she continues radiotherapy and, eventually, other treatments for her cancer. It’s still a long road ahead for Jhona and she needs all the support and prayers she can get. We are hopeful for a miracle of complete healing to overcome this battle.
Thank you for journeying alongside Jhona and our family. Your faith has made the impossible, possible. Thank you from the bottom of our hearts. – Love, Sam & Annie
Anonymous donated
May the Lord your Healer bless you and keep you safe, Jhona!
8 months ago
Anonymous donated
We pray for complete healing and swift recovery!
9 months ago
Yoon Mi Lee donated
Jhona, praying for you and your family. God is bigger than cancer and we are here to pray alongside.
9 months ago
Donors (72)
100% of your donation goes to A gift for Jhona – Our Birthday Appeal Give hope now!
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