S$51,511 raised of


From 197 Donors

DONORS (197)

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General Fund (EGC) donated S$3,011
2 months ago
陈韦霓 杜成利 donated S$25.46
2 months ago
Anonymous donated S$50
2 months ago
0 days to go

S$51,511 raised of


From 197 Donors

A heart in trouble

4-year-old Vincent, was born with Congenital Heart Disease. His condition is severe and requires a Bidirectional Cavopulmonary Connection (BCPC) cardiac surgery. 

The youngest of four children to Mr Chua (63), little Vincent is at high risk of serious complications such as pulmonary hypertension, physical and cognitive developmental delays, stroke, and heart failure. Mr Chua’s income as a rag-and-bone man barely covers daily expenses and the expected treatment cost of $97,300 is astronomical to him.  


How can you help?

With your support, we hope to fund $97,300* for Vincent’s Bidirectional Cavopulmonary Connection (BCPC) Cardiac Surgery, associated treatments and hospitalisation costs. The surgery was scheduled in February 2024 but it has since been postponed. 

* Funds raised will be paid directly to the medical institution. 

More about the Chua family:

“Uncle Chua”, as he is affectionately known, has been working as a rag-and-bone man for over 20 years. He is a friendly, welcome face in the neighbourhoods where he does his rounds. In one local estate, he co-runs a recycling initiative with Mr Alvin Tan, a committee member of the condominium. Mr Tan manages the condominium’s social activities and introduces initiatives to build a sense of community and rapport.

“Recently, Uncle Chua looked deeply troubled and I decided to check in with him,” shared Alvin. It was out of character for the responsible, “on the ball” rag-and-bone man to be sluggish in his responses. In all the months that they worked together, this had never happened. With some prompting, the older man opened up. 

“Uncle Chua had been feeling worried and helpless because his son needed surgery but the costs were too much for him to bear.” Alvin deeply empathised with him. “Being a father of two myself, my heart absolutely broke when I heard about his sick kid. Nothing hurts more than being a father with a sick kid and not being in a position to help my kid.” 


In observing the Chua family together, it is clear that they share a close and loving relationship even though their tight finances only allow them to meet once or twice a month. Mr Chua shares that Vincent is a kind and bright boy, who faces each day with positivity despite his discomfort and ill health.  In halting Mandarin, the soft-spoken father tells us “Vincent is the light of my life.”

Mr Chua dreams of bringing his family over to Singapore to live together and is saddened by the knowledge that this possibility fades with time. For now, he focuses his efforts on seeking help to give his son the best possible chance at life, to be able to have a normal childhood. Your contribution would go towards making this a possibility.  

Campaign Update: 


As of 1 September 2024, Vincent’s condition has been deteriorating. He finds it harder to focus in school or interact with friends, and his teachers have to support him in climbing the stairs to the second-floor classroom. As the weather becomes hotter, Vincent is also becoming more uncomfortable and struggles to take his medication. 

Mr Chua is does not have the ability to meet Vincent anytime soon but tries to video call him once in a while. He talks to Vincent on the phone with endearment and so much joy in his eyes. Mr Chua tells us that his only hope is for Little Vincent to have a “happy and healthy life,” and that’s the only thing that matters to him at this point in time.

You can make a difference and save Vincent’s life. Every dollar goes a long way.


No updates on this campaign yet
Aaron Tan donated S$100
I am praying for God to heal you
2 months ago
Anonymous donated S$500
Get well soon.
2 months ago
Jason Ng donated S$100
Speedy recovery Vincent
3 months ago

100% of your donation goes to Little Vincent’s heart is giving out. Help save his life.
Give hope now!

Campaign Closed

DONORS (197)

See All
General Fund (EGC) donated S$3,011
2 months ago
陈韦霓 杜成利 donated S$25.46
2 months ago
Anonymous donated S$50
2 months ago