S$3,790 raised of


From 14 Donors


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Anonymous donated S$40
2 weeks ago
Donne Lee donated S$50
2 weeks ago
Anonymous donated S$100
2 weeks ago
114 days to go

S$3,790 raised of


From 14 Donors

A rough start

9-year-old Abraham, a mildly autistic boy, has faced significant challenges, including being placed in foster care due to his natural father’s incarceration. In August 2023, sole custody was granted to his birth mother, Lynn, and they have been rebuilding their lives in Singapore. With sponsorship from a private clinic, Abraham, who was previously unable to attend school due to his inability to afford pre-enrolment psychological assessment, has started his educational journey. However, Lynn, a 57-year-old hospital porter, struggles to afford Abraham’s school fees, basic furnishings for their home, and additional school uniforms and shoes for …

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Anonymous donated S$1,000
Hi Lynn and Abraham! The Lord is with you and for you. He takes care of you and provides for you both! Stay strong in Him! There is always support in the House of God. Abraham would grow up healthy strong and well, leading a joyful and successful life because God has called this boy to be blessed like the Abraham in the bible. Genesis 22:17 I will certainly bless you. I will multiply your descendants beyond number, like the stars in the sky and the sand on the seashore. Your descendants will conquer the cities of their enemies. Both of you are God\'s beloved children. Be blessed! God loves you both so much.
3 weeks ago
Anonymous donated S$20
God loves you!
3 weeks ago
Anonymous donated S$20
Best wishes, hope the little contribution would help spur you both on!
3 weeks ago

100% of your donation goes to Hope for Abraham and Lynn: Building a Brighter Future
Give hope now!

Hope Delivered100% COMPLETED


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Anonymous donated S$40
2 weeks ago
Donne Lee donated S$50
2 weeks ago
Anonymous donated S$100
2 weeks ago