S$690 raised of


From 7 Donors


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Anonymous donated S$20
2 weeks ago
Anonymous donated S$20
3 weeks ago
Anonymous donated S$50
3 weeks ago
104 days to go

S$690 raised of


From 7 Donors

Secure Education for Amir and his siblings

Mdm Risa and her husband have worked tirelessly to provide their children with quality education, but the hefty educational costs have become insurmountable. Their eldest son, Amir, has been suspended from school,  jeopardizing his dream of completing his “O” levels and supporting his younger siblings through school. The arrears also put his younger siblings, Noor and Siva, at risk of expulsion.

Your donation can fund educational equality.

Ray of Hope is launching a fundraising campaign to raise $14,000 to cover their educational debt. This support will allow Amir to …

No updates on this campaign yet
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100% of your donation goes to Make Education a reality for Amir and his Siblings
Give hope now!

Donate to Make Education a reality for Amir and his Siblings


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Anonymous donated S$20
2 weeks ago
Anonymous donated S$20
3 weeks ago
Anonymous donated S$50
3 weeks ago