After his miracle birth, Baby Dennis still needs your help
After his miracle birth, Baby Dennis still needs your help
Baby Dennis’s Journey
Baby Dennis entered the world prematurely in March 2023, arriving at just 28 weeks and weighing a mere 970 grams. His mother, Rizalie, encountered a harrowing situation during a routine checkup when her blood pressure readings spiralled out of control, unresponsive to immediate medication. To safeguard both Rizalie and Baby Dennis, doctors urgently recommended a C-section.
Merely three days after Baby Dennis’ birth, doctors found perforations through his …
February 19, 2025
Campaign Fully Raised!
Dear Donors, We are thrilled to share that Baby Dennis’ campaign has been fully funded! Thank you for your generous support in his recovery journey. Your contributions have helped settle his outstanding medical fees, allowing him and his family to live with peace of mind. We would also like to share a heartfelt message from……
December 31, 2024
A message from Baby Dennis and Family: Happy New Year
Before the year ends, we would like to express our utmost gratitude for being part of ROH family. Thank you for the un-ending support and blessings you showered to us this year. May we all be blessed with our heart’s desires this coming 2025. From our family to yours, Merry Christmas and a Happy New……
December 23, 2024
Good News: Target Reduced!
Dear Donors, We are delighted to share some wonderful news about Baby Dennis! His social worker has successfully secured one-time financial support to help cover over half of his surgery bills. As a result, the outstanding amount has been significantly reduced from $44,637 to $21,169.63. We sincerely thank you for your unwavering support for Baby……
December 12, 2024
A message from Baby Dennis: Starting Therapy <3
Greetings, everyone!
Today, I began my PT/Occupational and speech therapy sessions.
It is a bit late for me to reach this milestone because I have spent so much time in bed and in hospitals. However, I am determined to catch up soon.
Thank you for your continuous support and love.
Baby Dennis Jr.
November 14, 2024
A message from Baby Dennis: improving day by day
Hello everyone! I saw my pediatrician three days ago and they tested my sodium levels and kidney function due to my daily oral sodium intake. Fortunately, all results came back normal. I have a speech and physical therapy session scheduled for next month to continue improving my skills. Please continue to support my campaign as……
November 1, 2024
A message from Baby Dennis
Hello everyone, I want to express my gratitude for the continuous support and prayers you have given us. I have gained 10 kilos and am still eating blended foods. I also ask for your prayers for the areas in my country (Philippines) affected by Typhoon Kristine. The Bicol region, where my parents are from, was……
October 17, 2024
A message from Baby Dennis
Hello everyone! I am enjoying my time outside, immersing myself in nature and enjoying the fresh air as I continue to recover. Your support and sharing of my campaign mean a lot to me. I am grateful for all the love and blessings you have given to me and to my family. Thank you……
October 3, 2024
A Message from Rizalie
Hi Ray of Hope family, Baby Dennis visited his surgeon for a follow-up appointment on September 24th. Unfortunately, he lost weight, going from 9.6kg to 8.9kg due to a decrease in electrolyte sodium in his body caused by previous diarrhea, a common side effect of his stoma closure. He is now taking oral sodium as……
September 24, 2024
Update: Baby Dennis Discharged
Dear ROH family, I am finally discharged from the hospital after 18 days and will now continue to heal and recover at home even faster. Thank you for always being by our side. Sending more power to all of you. With love, Baby Dennis Jr. A message from Ray of Hope: If you’d like to……
September 22, 2024
Second Update from Baby Dennis
I am thrilled to announce that my nasal tube has been taken out and my IV TPN has been stopped, despite still dealing with a cough, flu, I am able to tolerate oral milk with no issues. Thank you so much for your prayers and support for me and to my family. God bless you……
September 17, 2024
Update from Baby Dennis
Hello ROH family, I want to share that I have been transferred to the General Ward after an 11-day stay in the High Dependency Unit. Additionally, I am now able to tolerate oral intake of milk and pass motions normally.👏👏👌 I am grateful for all the prayers and support I have received from you and……
September 9, 2024
An Update from Baby Dennis & his family
Dear Donors, Thank you for your kind support. Baby Dennis has developed a weakened immune system and has been diagnosed with respiratory syncytial virus (RSV). As a result, he will be receiving continued monitoring in the high dependency unit for further observation. RSV is a significant contributor to respiratory illness in children, often presenting as……
September 6, 2024
Second Update: A Message from Rizalie
Baby Dennis is progressing positively following his recent surgery. Despite his current circumstances, he manages to maintain a smile. He is gradually adjusting to milk feeding as well. We humbly ask for continued support and prayers for baby Dennis during this time. We are incredibly grateful for the blessings we have received and extend our……
September 2, 2024
Update: A Message from Rizalie
Baby Dennis has been moved to the high dependency care unit. His urine catheter has been taken out, and his stomach wound has been dressed. He is currently receiving hourly aspiration of his gastric contents through a nasal tube. He is feeling pain, discomfort, and hunger as he have been fasting since August 27th. Please……
August 29, 2024
Baby Dennis' Update (Post-Surgery)
Dear Donors,
We would like to share the good news that after spending 6 hours in the operating theatre yesterday, Baby Dennis’ surgery was a success! He is now in the neonatal intensive care unit for further monitoring. Rizalie and her family would like to express their gratitude for your support and prayers.