“I thought my life would be better after my fiancé returned to us. Nobody expected this to happen.”
“I thought my life would be better after my fiancé returned to us. Nobody expected this to happen.”
Ray of Hope is raising $2,150 ($430 x 5 months) to help Devi with the expenses of her children’s milk and diapers.
Devi has two children aged 1 and 2. She was staying in a one-room rental flat with her two young children and her fiancé before his incarceration. He returned to the family at the end of January 2022, and was in the midst of seeking employment.
On 2 February 2022, a dispute occurred between Devi and her neighbours. Unfortunately, this resulted in Devi’s fiancé being assaulted by a …
August 26, 2022
Your donations have supported Devi's family for 5 months!
Ray of Hope has made the final disbursement of $430 to Devi, and the funds have been received. With this, we have fully disbursed the funds raised to her family. The family wants to thank the donors for supporting their family for their donations as that meant a lot to the young couple struggling to……
July 29, 2022
4th disbursement to Devi
Ray of Hope has made the 4th disbursement of $430 to Devi and the funds have been received by the family.
June 24, 2022
3rd disbursement to Devi
Ray of Hope has made the 3rd disbursement of $430 to Devi and the funds have been received by the family.
May 27, 2022
2nd disbursement to Devi
Ray of Hope has made the 2nd disbursement of $430 to Devi and the funds have been received by the family.
April 29, 2022
1st disbursement to Devi
Ray of Hope has made the first disbursement of $430 to Devi and the funds have been received by the family. The funds have come in handy for her children’s milk and diapers expenses while her fiancé is recovering.