Mdm Kumari is 72 years old and her husband, Mr Sarwan is 75 years old. Mdm Kumari suffers from diabetes, high blood pressure and high cholesterol. Her husband suffers from diabetes, high blood pressure, high cholesterol, heart disease and was a heart attack patient. He is unable to sleep without the assistance of oxygen.
The Struggle
Despite his advanced age and ill health, Mr Sarwan used to work as a security officer drawing a steady monthly income. Due to his increasingly ill health, he was forced to stop working in April last year at the age of 74 years …
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Mdm Kumari is 72 years old and her husband, Mr Sarwan is 75 years old. Mdm Kumari suffers from diabetes, high blood pressure and high cholesterol. Her husband suffers from diabetes, high blood pressure, high cholesterol, heart disease and was a heart attack patient. He is unable to sleep without the assistance of oxygen.
The Struggle
Despite his advanced age and ill health, Mr Sarwan used to work as a security officer drawing a steady monthly income. Due to his increasingly ill health, he was forced to stop working in April last year at the age of 74 years old. Since then, the couple has difficulties meeting ends meet and has incurred arrears with their housing mortgage and SP.
The couple receives a monthly stipend from their son however, the amount is insufficient for their living expenses. They are also trying to rent out one of their rooms however, they have been unable to secure a tenant.
When the Ray of Hope case managers met Mdm Kumari, she was unable to hold back her tears recounting the financial hardship that she and her husband are currently facing.
Give Hope – Help Needed
Ray of Hope would like to raise S$1,000 (S$250 x 4 months) for the couple’s living expenses. Their SSO assistance has ended and it is now under renewal. The process will take anywhere between 6 – 8 weeks. During this period, the elderly and frail couple struggles to make ends meet.
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