S$5 raised of


From 1 Donors


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Anonymous donated S$5
1 day ago
192 days to go

S$5 raised of


From 1 Donors

A Life Interrupted: Mr. Perez’s Story

Imagine working hard your entire life to support your family, only to have it all taken away by a sudden health crisis. Mr. Perez, a 61-year-old former security personnel, is facing significant challenges after suffering a stroke in September 2021. Despite his own difficulties, he has been trying to support his 83-year-old mother while being unemployed and in need of assistance himself.

Conquering Fears: Recovering from a …

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100% of your donation goes to Help Mr. Perez Recover from Stroke and Rebuild his life
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Donate to Help Mr. Perez Recover from Stroke and Rebuild his life


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Anonymous donated S$5
1 day ago