Your donations will allow 68-year-old Mdm Li to recover with peace of mind
Your donations will allow 68-year-old Mdm Li to recover with peace of mind
What happened to Mdm Li?
68-year old Mdm Li suffers from venous stasis dermatitis, where poor blood flow in her lower legs and ankle cause swelling and inflammation. This has led to severe itching and sores, requiring professional wound care and dressing on a daily basis.
As her condition worsened over time, she required surgery earlier this month to manage the condition. Although her medical expenses are heavily subsidised, there are consumables that the family pays out of pocket for her wound dressings, estimated at $900 per month. Mdm Li’s family is hopeful that …
September 15, 2023
3rd disbursement to Mdm Li
Ray of Hope has made the 3rd disbursement of $525.50 to Mdm Li and the funds have been received. Mdm Li’s son shared with the caseworkers that his mother’s condition is stabilising after her surgery and the funds raised for her medical consumables and wound dressing services have been helpful. The family hopes that with……
August 21, 2023
Updates from Mdm Li's son
The caseworkers recently caught up with Mdm Li’s son, Stanley and he shared the following updates with us. In early August, Mdm Li was hospitalised after her regular checkup and wound dressing appointment as her tendon was exposed at the ankle area. She eventually had to undergo surgery for her tendon, but has since been……
August 19, 2023
2nd disbursement to Mdm Li
Ray of Hope has made the 2nd disbursement of $525.50 to Mdm Li and the funds have been received.
July 5, 2023
1st disbursement to Mdm Li
Thank you donors for giving hope to Mdm Li! With the funds raised, Ray of Hope has made the first disbursement of $525.40 to Mdm Li for her medical consumables and wound dressing services. The family expressed that they are grateful for all the support that has come through so far!