And… it’s a wrap at SGH! Thank you so much everyone for your generous contributions! In total, your $10,000 helped serve more than 1,600 cups to many many tired but grateful SGH staff.
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Update 15 Feb 2020
And… it’s a wrap at SGH! Thank you so much everyone for your generous contributions! In total, your $10,000 helped serve more than 1,600 cups to many many tired but grateful SGH staff.
Yesterday, we also witnessed a dedicated bunch of service crew in action at SGH’s The Coffee Bean & Tea Leaf, enthusiastically serving the free drinks to our frontline healthcare workers. Thank you The Coffee Bean & Tea Leaf for specially assembling a team of District Managers for this giveaway!
Continue to watch this space for details on further rounds at other hospitals!
Team Operation #BoosterShot
Update 13 Feb 2020
First, a BIG thank you again to everyone for your generous giving!
Since the close of the campaign, we’ve worked with the awesome HR teams of some of the hospitals to see how we can best distribute the coffee treats to the frontline workers, especially those who are super pressed for time. We’ve also worked with The Coffee Bean & Tea Leaf to sort out all the finances and logistics. And guess what? They’ve decided to sponsor additional cups of coffee/tea! 😀
The next round of coffee giveaways will start at SGH at 7pm tomorrow (14 Feb 2020, Fri).
Stay tuned for details on further rounds at other hospitals!
Finally, we’ve still been receiving many requests to give to this campaign, and heard that some are disappointed that it’s over. We’re so heartened by your desire to chip in, and we hope that you’ll continue to find avenues to do so through other initiatives or your own! To a kinder and more giving Singapore!
Team Operation #BoosterShot
Update (12 Feb 2020)
Wow. Singapore, you’re amazing – we just raised the target a couple hours ago and we’ve already hit it ?
After much discussion and debate, the team has decided to close the campaign. We’ll use all these funds to extend our reach to as many healthcare institutions and workers as we can – stay tuned for more detailed updates.
One major consideration in ending this here is that we’d very much like to support other worthy initiatives that go towards supporting healthcare workers in other ways, and also other vulnerable groups who really need our help now.
Thank you Singapore. Our national pastime may be complaining but we all chip in when the call is sounded! #sgkampung
We’re so proud to be part of this community that has shown that it can step up in times of need. Let’s make this a lifestyle, regardless of the season!
Operation #BoosterShot
Hi everyone,
Over the past week, many healthcare workers have worked over 100 hours battling nCoV. Some cannot go home to their families after, have had their holidays cancelled, etc. And the work continues today.
In light of this, my group of friends – and their friends, raised ~$4000 from 8/2 to 9/2 to treat healthcare workers to a cup of Starbucks or Coffee Bean.
In just a day, at Tan Tock Seng Hospital/NCID, the Coffee Bean staff have been working extremely hard to serve the healthcare staff claiming their free cup of coffee, and about 500 cups have been claimed so far. The healthcare workers are so so so touched and we thought we could open this up to anyone else who would like to contribute! We are also now hoping to expand this to appreciate healthcare workers* at other hospitals ?.
We’re using Ray of Hope as our platform to fundraise for this initiative. $7 will buy a cup of coffee for a healthcare worker. So please donate generously! 100% of your donation will go to buying the coffee! They even cover the credit card fee that is usually deducted from donations when you donate online through other crowdfunding platforms.
We will post updates via this platform for everyone who has chipped in, including proof of receipts.
*Note: This will go to Healthcare Workers only, i.e. doctors, nurses, paramedics and other frontline staff.
**We’re facing slight issues with the cache on your mobile browser. You might not see your donation reflected immediately on the campaign page. Rest assured that as long as you get a thank you email from us, your donation went through. It might take a few mins before you refresh your page to see your donation under the donor list.
Thank you,
From an ex-healthcare worker and friends
10 Feb 2020
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February 15, 2020
That's a wrap on SGH!
Update 15 Feb 2020 And… it’s a wrap at SGH! Thank you so much everyone for your generous contributions! In total, your $10,000 helped serve more than 1,600 cups to many many tired but grateful SGH staff. Yesterday, we also witnessed a dedicated bunch of service crew in action at SGH’s The Coffee Bean &……
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February 13, 2020
Time to give away some coffee!
First, a BIG thank you again to everyone for your generous giving! Since the close of the campaign, we’ve worked with the awesome HR teams of some of the hospitals to see how we can best distribute the coffee treats to the frontline workers, especially those who are super pressed for time. We’ve also worked……
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February 12, 2020
Thank you!
Dear all, thank you for your incredible generosity! In less than 24 hours, you’ve helped us exceed the $15k target. We are blown away by how Singapore has rallied around what started out as a humble little campaign to do just a little more for our healthcare workers. As the campaign continues to gain momentum,……
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February 11, 2020
Grateful messages from Healthcare Workers
Dear Donors, here are some past messages from grateful healthcare workers who have already received the coffee treat! We’ll continue to update you on how the funds are spent in the next few days.
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That's a wrap on SGH!
Feb 15, 2020
Update 15 Feb 2020
And… it’s a wrap at SGH! Thank you so much everyone for your generous contributions! In total, your $10,000 helped serve more than 1,600 cups to many many tired but grateful SGH staff.
Yesterday, we also witnessed a dedicated bunch of service crew in action at SGH’s The Coffee Bean & Tea Leaf, enthusiastically serving the free drinks to our frontline healthcare workers. Thank you The Coffee Bean & Tea Leaf for specially assembling a team of District Managers for this giveaway!
Continue to watch this space for details on further rounds at other hospitals!
Team Operation #BoosterShot
Time to give away some coffee!
Feb 13, 2020
First, a BIG thank you again to everyone for your generous giving!
Since the close of the campaign, we’ve worked with the awesome HR teams of some of the hospitals to see how we can best distribute the coffee treats to the frontline workers, especially those who are super pressed for time. We’ve also worked with The Coffee Bean & Tea Leaf to sort out all the finances and logistics. And guess what? They’ve decided to sponsor additional cups of coffee/tea! 😀
The next round of coffee giveaways will start at SGH at 7pm tomorrow (14 Feb 2020, Fri).
Stay tuned for details on further rounds at other hospitals!
Finally, we’ve still been receiving many requests to give to this campaign, and heard that some are disappointed that it’s over. We’re so heartened by your desire to chip in, and we hope that you’ll continue to find avenues to do so through other initiatives or your own! To a kinder and more giving Singapore!
Team Operation #BoosterShot
Thank you!
Feb 12, 2020
Dear all, thank you for your incredible generosity! In less than 24 hours, you’ve helped us exceed the $15k target. We are blown away by how Singapore has rallied around what started out as a humble little campaign to do just a little more for our healthcare workers.
As the campaign continues to gain momentum, we have decided to increase the target to $25k, in order to appreciate more healthcare workers. While the first $15k will indeed go to coffee treats, we are looking into either increasing the number of cups across even more healthcare institutions or using the additional amount raised to support other verified initiatives that are also helping healthcare workers in this time. We’ll keep you posted!
In the meantime, we have decided to adjust the length of this campaign, to end by 13 Feb (Thurs) 11:59pm.
We would also like to address some of the very real concerns we’ve heard:
Why Starbucks/Coffee Bean instead of cheaper alternatives?
(1) Starbucks/Coffee Bean allow the use of their gift cards, which in turn allows us to track the usage. Points accumulated can also be redeemed for more free cups!
(2) Starbucks/Coffee Bean are the only 24/7 coffee joints in some of the healthcare institutions.
(3) We think healthcare workers deserve a treat, and when we asked around, a Starbucks/Coffee Bean coffee was what some healthcare worker friends suggested.
Isn’t Starbucks/Coffee Bean gaining a lot of free marketing and sales from this?
Yes, and we would like to state up front that none of us is a staff or related to anyone who is! On our end, we have been trying to contact the companies to see if we can work out an arrangement to stretch every dollar donated.
Thanks guys!
Operation #BoosterShot
Grateful messages from Healthcare Workers
Feb 11, 2020
Dear Donors, here are some past messages from grateful healthcare workers who have already received the coffee treat! We’ll continue to update you on how the funds are spent in the next few days.
Lawrence Chan donated
all the best. thank you
3 years ago
Anonymous donated
Thank you all for the hard work.
5 years ago
Fumito Sakano donated
Please stay safe!
5 years ago
Donors (563)
100% of your donation goes to Operation #BoosterShot: appreciating Singapore’s Healthcare Workers Give hope now!
Ray of Hope has a stringent 3-step verification process to
verify each beneficiary’s identity and ensure their need is genuine.
3 Step
1. Conduct Home Visits
Family $ financial history
Social assistance (if any)
2. Check Documents
Bank & CPF statements
Medical and other records
3. Contact Stakeholders
Due diligence check with Ministry of Social and Family
Development (MSF)
Other non-profit helping beneficiary
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discrepancy, rest assured that your donation will be fully refunded.