S$207 raised of


From 3 Donors


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Anonymous donated S$200
5 hours ago
Anonymous donated S$2
4 days ago
Anonymous donated S$5
6 days ago
194 days to go

S$207 raised of


From 3 Donors

Mongil, a 44-year-old Bangladeshi construction worker, has been working in Singapore for eight years to support his family of six. However, a workplace accident caused by a supervisor’s actions has left him with a knee injury that permanently hinders his ability to work.

The Accident and Its Aftermath 

In April 2023, Mongil’s supervisor had an argument with another co-worker. In a fit of anger, his supervisor kicked a metal container weighing 4-6 KG at the co-worker; however, it hit Mongil, who was having his meal nearby. Mongil was struck in his right shin, causing …

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Anonymous donated S$200
5 hours ago
Anonymous donated S$2
4 days ago
Anonymous donated S$5
6 days ago