Helpless breadwinner left permanently disabled after forklift crushed him
DONORS (110)
Helpless breadwinner left permanently disabled after forklift crushed him
Mr Wang, 39 years old, was supporting his family of five back in China. Unfortunately, he met with a workplace accident when the forklift that he was operating overturned and crushed him. The accident has left Mr Wang permanently disabled due to his cervical cord injury, thus losing his ability to work to support his family altogether. Mr Wang has his elderly parents and a school-going son back home.
Mr Wang’s wife who …
January 28, 2022
Final disbursement to Mr Wang
Ray of Hope has made the final disbursement of $3652.60 to Mr Wang via overseas remittance. With this, we have fully disbursed the funds from his campaign to him. The family is immensely grateful for the funds raised as it has helped defray their living expenses and Mr Wang’s medical expenses, now that he is……
December 14, 2021
4th disbursement to Mr Wang
Ray of Hope will be processing the remittance of $5000 to Mr Wang this week.
November 30, 2021
3rd disbursement to Mr Wang
Ray of Hope has remitted $5000 to Mr Wang, being his third disbursement and the funds were well received by the family. Thank you donors for giving hope to the injured worker suffering from permanent disability.
October 31, 2021
2nd disbursement to Mr Wang
Zhong Guo Remittance has donated S$11,826.30 to Mr Wang’s campaign. Ray of Hope has made a disbursement of $5000 via remittance to Mr Wang for his treatment fees and living expenses, especially with the loss of the family’s dual incomes.
February 28, 2021
1st disbursement to Mr Wang
Ray of Hope has disbursed $5000 to Mr Wang before he returned to China, being payment for: 1) Quarantine fees ($3500), 2) land ambulance ($500) and 3) living expenses ($1000). Mr Wang and his wife are grateful for the funds raised!