S$2,465 raised of


From 28 Donors


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Anonymous donated S$20
1 day ago
Anonymous donated S$200
4 days ago
Sin Chi Chew donated S$100
6 days ago
163 days to go

S$2,465 raised of


From 28 Donors

A Life-Altering Tragedy Far from Home

Grace has been part of Malinda’s family for 8 years and cared for his son, Devonne since he was two. Unfortunately, she recently suffered multiple brain bleeds and the cost of the life-saving treatment exceeds $100,000. Your help is needed to fund the life-saving procedures for Grace and help her recover.

In a heart-wrenching turn of events, Grace suffered a life-altering ruptured brain aneurysm. After multiple surgeries, she faces a long, uncertain road to recovery and the prospect …

No updates on this campaign yet
Anonymous donated S$200
Praying that Grace can get the care and support that she needs 🙏🏽
4 days ago
Sin Chi Chew donated S$100
Wishing for speedy recovery. JQ&SC
6 days ago
Anonymous donated S$100
Praying for a quick recovery.
6 days ago

100% of your donation goes to Fund Brain Surgery to Save Grace’s Life
Give hope now!

Donate to Fund Brain Surgery to Save Grace’s Life


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Anonymous donated S$20
1 day ago
Anonymous donated S$200
4 days ago
Sin Chi Chew donated S$100
6 days ago