Dear Volunteers,

Your dedication and enthusiasm make everything we do extra special. Whether you’re rocking it at events, spreading good vibes, or simply being the fantastic humans you are, we couldn’t be luckier to have you on board.

So here a massive THANK YOU for being the heart and soul of our Ray of Hope community. Your commitment doesn’t go unnoticed, and we’re genuinely grateful for the time and effort you invest. Let’s keep doing good together!

Tan En, General Manager

Ray of Hope

for volunteering with us in 2023! Here are the amazing roles you played

Migrant Brother-Volunteers
Befrienders / Photographers
Community Volunteers
Corporate Volunteers
Migrant Brother-Volunteers
Befrienders / Photographers
Community Volunteers
Corporate Volunteers
Hours in 2023!

(That's enough to drive 1200 times from East to West Singapore 😱)

Empowerment through volunteering

“It was a wonderful experience to break fast with Mdm R’s family tonight. Really heartwarming to see the kids playing with their neighbours. Such a close knitted community! Thank you ROH team for the opportunity to be part of this meaningful event.” – Qiao En, Ray of Hope Volunteer. 

Started in 2021, the Iftar Project is a unique opportunity to engage in conversations that bridge diverse communities. This initiative thrives on unity, fostering connections that respect and celebrate our differences. By facilitating buka puasa (breaking of fast) dinners hosted by our client cum volunteers, we provide a platform for our clients to experience a sense of belonging, active participation, and inclusion, upholding their dignity during the festive season.

The Iftar Project reached new heights this year, with 58 volunteers breaking fast with 15 families. The shared stories, laughter, and warmth exchanged during these gatherings emphasised the importance of community in our overall well-being. Families who have been part of the Iftar Project for 3 consecutive years were empowered to host dinners without our case managers facilitating the evening. This development showcases the project’s impact on empowering our clients to create and maintain connections independently, further strengthening the fabric of our society. 

As we move forward, we are driven by the conviction that the Iftar Project will continue to serve as a transformative force, fostering stronger ties within our society and promoting the kind of connectedness essential to building a stronger community. At Ray of Hope, our mission is clear: cultivating a community where kinship, camaraderie, and connectedness are ideals and lived realities.

Diversity and inclusion in practice

“Beyond Boundaries” celebrated unity and sportsmanship that transcended borders. It was a beautiful display of diversity and collaboration, and the success of this event wouldn’t have been possible without the dedication of 58 incredible community and corporate volunteers who spent 344.5 hours across 2 Sundays with us. 

The passion and tireless efforts behind the scenes ensured smooth coordination, creating an atmosphere of camaraderie and fun for everyone involved. Thank you to our volunteers for making “Beyond Boundaries” a resounding success and embodying the spirit of a community that knows no limits! Here’s to breaking down barriers and creating memories that we will cherish beyond the boundaries of time.

Recognising volunteers' impact

“If you think of Ray of Hope as a torch, all of us here are the guiding hands that will bring Ray of Hope to the next level,” said Tai Chong, Partner and Volunteer of Ray of Hope.

In April 2023, a significant milestone marked our journey as we hosted “Together Gather,” our first Volunteer Appreciation Night, to recognise and honour the backbone of our community – our dedicated volunteers. It served as a simple yet heartfelt expression of gratitude for the commitment demonstrated by our volunteers and for their integral role in bringing our mission to life.

The night provided a moment for reflection on the tangible impact of our collective efforts and the friendships formed. We anticipate its growth as a modest yet cherished tradition in the future. Here’s a sincere nod to our volunteers who make our mission a reality and to many more “Together Gather” nights ahead. 

Your Personalized Thank You E-badge

We have sent a personalized thank you e-badge with your name and impact.

Do check your mailbox, share and tag @givehopesg! 

Let’s do more together next year! ☺️☺️☺️

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