S$825 raised of


From 1 Donors


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Guest donated S$825
5 years ago
0 days to go

The Struggle

In November 2017, Mr S fell from a ladder while varnishing cabinets. The ladder he was using was faulty and he had informed his supervisor, but nothing was done. The support eventually failed and he fell on sharp objects injuring his right eye and lower back. The knife he was using while on the ladder had also cut his left thumb. First Aid was performed and he was taken to a doctor where he was given an MC and medication. His supervisor took his Work Permit and was uncontactable for days while Mr S was in pain. He …

July 24, 2019

Final Disbursement

Our case managers recently met Mr S. He is doing well and will be returning home at the end of July. He will be meeting MOM On the 25th of July to find out the result of his compensation.

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100% of your donation goes to Help an injured worker care for his family back home
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