S$500 raised of


From 3 Donors


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Guest donated S$100
5 years ago
Jeanette Cheong donated S$300
5 years ago
Catherine Olsen donated S$100
5 years ago
0 days to go

The Struggle

45-year-old Anna used to be healthy and financially independent before she was diagnosed with multiple illnesses. She was diagnosed with Systemic Lupus Erythematosus (SLE) among many other medical conditions 6 years ago. Her long list of medical issues includes biliary cirrhosis, Hepatitis B, peripheral neuropathy, chronic sinusitis, obstructive sleep apnoea and anaemia. She also experiences pain from her joints due to degenerative joint disease. Doctors have also warned Anna that she is likely to go blind in 10 years from taking the medications for her SLE.

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July 18, 2019

First disbursement made

The case workers met Anna for her first disbursement yesterday. She updated us that she is currently volunteering in a peer support group and conducts art classes for patients with mental illness. She proudly told us that it gives her a deep sense of satisfaction and gratitude that despite her medical conditions, she too, can……

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Catherine Olsen donated S$100
All the best to you
5 years ago

100% of your donation goes to Support a seriously ill Anna while she looks for work
Give hope now!

Campaign Closed