Ground Up Initiative’s Big Move!


Lease ending on 28 February 2025: Ecologically and community-centric society Ground-Up Initiative to fundraise for big move

“Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful committed citizens can change the world; Indeed it’s the only thing that ever has.” – Margaret Mead

In 2008, led by the late Mr Tay Lai Hock, GUI started with 10 persons in a small corner of Lim Chu Kang. It is where she ran her first Balik Kampung programme, for city dwellers to connect and heal. 15 years & more than 1000 Balik Kampungs later, GUI has built a 2.6ha nature-inspired space that has allowed hundreds of thousands of people to come for their healing (mentally, physically, and in spirit) and connection with nature. GUI has done this through the power of the community led by a group of committed individuals.

Ground-Up Initiative (GUI)’s current site lease at 91 Lorong Chencharu will end by February 2025, with the land slated for new housing developments. After months of waiting and holding our breath, we are excited to formally announce that GUI has secured a new site in the heartlands of Khatib.

With a big move comes a bigger challenge. We target to fundraise about $4.5mil in a few phases. Beyond the hardware, GUI’s new space will remain focused on environmental sustainability and community building. GUI also aims to strengthen its current ecosystem of educational partners who share in common social and environmental missions of reconnecting people with nature, fostering sustainable living, and nurturing the community spirit. Community remains central to our ethos, regardless of where we are. Together with our educational partners, we will continue to hold the mental, emotional and physical well-being of families, youths and seniors of all abilities close to what we do.

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S$1,341,203.33 raised

  • 410 Donors

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DONORS (410)

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满宽 阮 donated S$50 to #GUIsBigMove!
2 weeks ago
Melvyn Lee donated S$200 to #GUIsBigMove!
1 month ago
Anonymous donated S$25 to #GUIsBigMove!
1 month ago


232 days to go

#1000GUIConnections for Ground-Up Initiative (GUI)’s Big Move

S$35,421.83 raised of
232 days to go


S$1,305,781.50 raised of
27th October 2023

"Hand to Hand.
Heart to Heart"
Fundraising Dinner

27th October 2023,
7.30pm - 10.30pm
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