S$1,458 raised of


From 28 Donors


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Han Lip Neo donated S$50
3 years ago
Anonymous donated S$20
3 years ago
Fazila Banu donated S$50
3 years ago
0 days to go

S$1,458 raised of


From 28 Donors

Mdm Aslin is the sole breadwinner and caregiver in her family. She was working as a receptionist and was earning a nett income of $1,500. Unfotunately, her employer informed her that she has been terminated due to the Circuit Breaker measures that were in place. Mdm Aslin is in the midst of applying for assistance from SSO as she is currently only receiving support in terms of her son’s student care fees.

The 41-year-old has been single-handedly supporting her elderly mum and 12-year-old son since the passing of her husband many years back. Her son is currently attending Primary School. …

No updates on this campaign yet
Norjana Hasegawa donated S$50
I totally feels you Madam. I lost my husband to Cancer last year. Now, I’m the only sole breadwinner too, looking after my two boys age 14 and 18. Inshaallah, you will pull through..
4 years ago
Rohani Hussien donated S$50
Bismillahirrahmanirrahim. May Allah bless you with health and wealth. And May Allah ease you pain Aamiin
4 years ago
Anonymous donated S$25
Stay strong Mdm Aslin, things will get better soon!
4 years ago

100% of your donation goes to 41 year old single mum who lost her job wants to pick herself up for her family
Give hope now!

Hope Delivered100% COMPLETED


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Han Lip Neo donated S$50
3 years ago
Anonymous donated S$20
3 years ago
Fazila Banu donated S$50
3 years ago