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CampusImpact X Pangdemonium

S$1,180 raised of
0 days to go

A son’s wish to help his mother who suffers from Stage 3 cancer

S$3,086 raised of
0 days to go

Give Lucas a safe place to go to after school

S$2,100 raised of
0 days to go

Your donations will give Pei Yann hope!

S$13,100 raised of
0 days to go

“I have grown up seeing struggles and barriers; it is my dream to become an independent individual with a strong educational background”

S$9,812 raised of
0 days to go

Help a father to provide an education for his daughter

S$5,680 raised of
0 days to go

Single mum with 6-year-old autistic son needs your help as she undergoes divorce

S$3,800 raised of
0 days to go

Help a struggling family through this tough period

S$2,619 raised of
0 days to go

Help lighten the financial burdens of Mr Aman’s family

S$4,500 raised of
0 days to go

An accident left Shamim jobless and in debts

S$3,000 raised of
0 days to go

“I just want to send some money back home. It’s alright if I don’t get any money for myself”

S$2,405 raised of
0 days to go

Father of two young children feels helpless after an accident

S$1,600 raised of